To create these characters yourself, hold "alt" down and type the numbers in on the right side of the keyboard (num pad) then let go of the buttons and the character will appear. This is a great way to experiment with new symbols, signs and characters, and it's also good if a button or letter on your keyboard stops working, because you can still type it using the num pad. Just look down the list to find your letter.

You may also be interested in a much smaller, but more rare list of special ascii characters for text art.

Some of the symbols have been listed in bold to separate  them clearly from their descriptions.

Credits to Original Author


  1. ☺ White Smiley
  2. ☻ Black Smiley
  3. ♥ Black heart
  4. ♦ Diamond
  5. ♣ Clove (Clover/Puppyfeet)
  6. ♠ Spade
  7. • Black dot
  8. ◘ Black square with circle cutout
  9. ○ White circle White circle
  10. ◙ Black square with black circle
  11. ♂ Male Symbo
  12. ♀ Female Symbol
  13. ♪ Quarter Note
  14. ♫ Musical Double Quarter Note
  15. ☼ Su
  16. ► Play (Forward) or Solid right arrow
  17. ◄ Rewind (Backward) or Solid left arrow
  18. ↕ Up and down arrows
  19. ‼ Double Exclamation Mark
  20. ¶ Pilcrow (Paragraph Sign)
  21. § The section sign
  22. ▬ Long and Thick Minus Sign
  23. ↨ Up & down arrows
  24. ↑ Up arrow
  25. ↓ Down arrow
  26. → Right arro
  27. ← Left arrow
  28. ∟ 90º degree angle
  29. ↔ Left and right arrow
  30. ▲ Solid up arrow
  31. ▼ Solid down arrow
  32.  Just a space
  33. ! Exclamation mark (bang)
  34. " Quote Quote
  35. # Pound sign
  36. $ Dollar sign
  37. % Percentage sign
  38. & "And" sign
  39. ' Apostrophe Apostrophe
  40. ( Left parenthesis
  41. ) Right parenthesis
  42. * Asterix/astrix (Or star)
  43. + Plus sign
  44. , Comma
  45. - Minus Sign
  46. . Period
  47. / Forward slash
  48. 0 0
  49. 1 1
  50. 2 2
  51. 3 3
  52. 4 4
  53. 5 5
  54. 6 6
  55. 7 7
  56. 8 8
  57. 9 9
  58. : Colon (colons)
  59. ; Semicolon
  60. < Left arrow (Big fish) Less than
  61. = Equals sign Equals sign
  62. > Right arrows (Small fish) Greater than
  63. ? Question mark
  64. @ At symbol
  65. A
  66. B
  67. C
  68. D
  69. E
  70. F
  71. G
  72. H
  73. I
  74. J
  75. K
  76. L
  77. M
  78. N
  79. O
  80. P
  81. Q
  82. R
  83. S
  84. T
  85. U
  86. V
  87. W
  88. X
  89. Y
  90. Z
  91. [
  92. \
  93. ]
  94. ^
  95. _
  96. ` A grave accent
  97. a
  98. b
  99. c
  100. d
  101. e
  102. f
  103. g
  104. h
  105. i
  106. j
  107. k
  108. l
  109. m
  110. n
  111. o
  112. p
  113. q
  114. r
  115. s
  116. t
  117. u
  118. v
  119. w
  120. x
  121. y
  122. z
  123. {
  124. |
  125. }
  126. ~
  127. A house shaped pentagon
  128. Ç A "C" with a cedilla
  129. ü A u with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  130. é Acute accent over e
  131. â "a" with a circumflex over it
  132. ä An "a" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  133. à An "a" with a grave accent over it
  134. å An a with a circle or dot over it
  135. ç A "c" with a circumflex
  136. ê "e" with a circumflex on it
  137. ë An "e" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  138. è An "e" with a grave accent over it
  139. ï An "i" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  140. î An i with a circumflex over it
  141. ì An "i" with a grave accent
  142. Ä An "A" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  143. Å A capitol "A" with a circle or dot over it (Angstrom)
  144. É A capitol "E" with an acute accent over it
  145. æ The lower case vowel (grapheme) of the a and e squished together
  146. Æ Capitol AE combined into one letter
  147. ô A "o" with a circumflex over it
  148. ö An "o" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  149. ò An "o" with a mark over it called a grave mark
  150. û A u with a circumflex over it
  151. ù A u with a grave accent over it
  152. ÿ A "y" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  153. Ö A "O" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  154. Ü A "U" with a umlaut (or diaeresis) over it
  155. ¢ The "cents" or "cent" sign for currency
  156. £ The "pound sign" for currency
  157. ¥ The "Yen" sign for currency (Japanese/Chinese) Written in Japanese as
  158. Pts Points of Pints sign
  159. ƒ A curvy or italic F (italicized)
  160. á An a with a acute accent
  161. í An i with a acute accent
  162. ó An o with a acute accent
  163. ú A u with an acute accent over it
  164. ñ A n with a tilde ~ over it to make the Spanish enye
  165. Ñ A capital n with a tilde ~ over it to make the Spanish enye
  166. ª The feminine superscript A
  167. º The degrees or degree symbol
  168. ¿ Upside down question mark used in Spanish
  169. ¬
  170. ½ One half symbol
  171. ¼ One quarter symbol O
  172. ¡ An upside down exclamation mark (looks like an "i" that sits lower than usual)
  173. « Double arrow pointing left
  174. » Double arrow pointing right
  175. ░ Light shaded block
  176. ▒ Medium shaded block
  177. ▓ Dark shaded block
  178. │ Line
  179. ┤Shape
  180. ╡Special Line
  181. ╢ You can make words with these
  182. ╖ Or shapes
  183. ╕ Or Mazes!
  184. α The Greek letter "Alpha"
  185. ß A German letter, Eszett, scharfes S, sharp S
  186. Γ
  187. π The symbol for the mathmatical Pi in ascii
  188. Σ Greek mathmatical symbol for sum
  189. σ Symbol for sum Symbol for sum
  190. µ Mu
  191. τ  Tau
  192. Φ Phi a variation of Phi
  193. Θ Theta, the 8th letter of Greek alphabet
  194. Ω Omega (24th letter of Greek alphabet)
  195. δ The symbol for delta
  196. ∞ The symbol or character for infinity (Infiniti)
  197. φ Phi (21st letter of Greek alphabet)
  198. ε A backwards 3 or curved E - German Epsilon
  199. ∩ Upside down U
  200. ≡ Equal sign with 3 lines
  201. ± Plus and minus (Plus or minus) sign, Plus-minus Symbol
  202. ≥ Greater than or equal to symbol
  203. ≤ Less than or equal to sign
  204. ÷ Divide or Division Symbol
  205. ≈ Curvy or wavy equal sign =
  206. ° Degree or degrees code
  207. ∙ Medium height period Medium height period
  208. · Dot higher than usual
  209. √ (A check mark)
  210. ⁿ Superscript N
  211. ² Squared symbol, superscript 2 via ascii
  212. ■ Black box or square
  213.    (Yup, just a space via ascii)